3rd UEFA Foundation for Children Project Introductory Visit on the 14th and 15th of February 2023

Among the twelve (12) schools selected as beneficiaries of this project, we managed to visit five (5) schools named below where we had a chance to interact with the teachers and children on the 14th and 15th of February 2023. This was an opportunity to introduce and sensitize them to UEFA Foundation for Children and as well as Water4Wildlife Maasai Mara Foundation.
- Kileleoni Primary School in Olchorro Oiruwa Wildlife Conservancy
- Emorijoi Primary School in Enarau Wildlife Conservancy
- Margaret Kenyatta Olkuroto Primary School in Naboisho Wildlife Conservancy
- Enkeju Enkoirien Primary School in Olarre Motorogi Wildlife Conservancy
- Ololomei Primary School in the Mara North Wildlife Conservancy
We are glad we had the chance to do an extensive introduction to our programs which involved fun activities and particularly football. As a result, they were excited and looked forward to the proposed visit in Mid March 2023 where they will receive customized football uniforms, wildlife-themed football balls, football shoes and educational training materials.