Eco Brick Bin Construction at St. John’s Paul Primary School

<strong>Eco Brick Bin Construction at St. John’s Paul Primary School</strong>

The before and after photos of the Eco-brick bin construction. This will assist in solving the litter disposal problem at St. John’s Paul Primary School in Mara North Wildlife Conservancy. Eco-brick bins are both environmentally friendly and long-lasting. This will assist the school in resolving the waste/litter problem plaguing the school, which results in the spread of communicable diseases, and ingestion of plastic waste which leads to ulceration in the stomach, starvation and premature deaths in animals. All waste will be gathered and disposed of in the bin separately as organic and non-degradable inorganic. The main objective of the program is to raise awareness of the effect of litter on the local wildlife environment and the wider community. To increase children’s knowledge and practical skills in preventing and managing litter.

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