Donate to Water 4 Wildlife Foundation

Join your hand with us for a better life and future


Make an impact
Our programs aim to educate and engage children in environmental stewardship activities. We believe that children are the future leaders and conservationist and by instilling in them the values of environmental protection and conservation, we can create a more sustainable world. Our programs include activities like clean-up drives, planting trees, and creating awareness campaigns to promote sustainable practices. To continue our efforts, we rely on the support of generous donors like you. Your donation can help us fund our programs and make a real difference in our world. With your help, we can continue to create a positive impact and preserve our natural resources. Please consider making a donation to Water4Wildlife Foundation through the following details:

1. Stichting Water4wildlife-Maasai Mara
2. KVK  -  76717853
3. Tax No - 860772275
4. ANBI Status
5. Bank - NL33 ABNA 0888 3608 86